Sunday, December 9, 2007

HMMM.....Where is the Global Warming?

Hypocrisy is the Color Green,2933,315721,00.html

Idea for Project 3

I have been thinking long and hard for some ideas on the final portion of project 3. The idea I have come up with is a survey. The survey will have some brief questions about global warming. After the survey there will be a brief explanation of each Q&A.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Time Writing

The topic for project 3 is the ever-growing debate of global warming. For project 3 I had to utilize a blog, letters, and a fable. For the blog aspect of the project I had to post my research paper from project 2, Global Warming: A Fabricated Truth. Students were able to comment on the blogs, and then were obligated to do a peer review of one of the letters. The project involved 3 letters. The 3 letters had to be written to organizations that were either against your views or for your views. I chose to write to Al Gore seeing as though he is the leader of the global warming movement. After the letters were completed the next step was the fable.

The fable is supposed to be geared towards 5th-8th graders. The purpose of the fable is to come up with a way to make it fun for the kids to learn about your topic. Considering I have a topic where in most schools the opposing viewpoints are taught, but I know the activity has to be engaging enough for the kids to forget about what they are taught for the time being. I am not trying to change the kids mind, but I would like them to see the opposing side to the debate.

The first portion of the blog did not have that much planning. The research paper had to be posted, so there was no real thought process on this aspect. As for the letters, I thought it would be ignorant to write to all organizations that held my views. That is why I chose to write one of my letters to Al Gore. Gore has been the driving force behind the global warming movement, so I felt it would be great to go in that direction. The construction of the letters was simple. In the letter to Gore I was not writing the letters to argue. My goal was to enlighten him about the opposing views. I wanted him to think about the points I made and refute the evidence I brought forward. The other two letters were to organizations that shared my views. I simply asked for answers and opinions on certain questions I had.

I thought the project was effective. I took a different approach to the topic. The purpose was to make people aware of the opposing views. I had not intentions to persuade. I think project 2 and 3 were both successful in allowing me to make my points.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

OISM Letter

Dr. Arthur Robinson,

I understand this is a general mailbox, but I am hoping this e-mail can be forwarded on to Dr. Robinson.

My name is Griffin Benson, and I am a junior at Eckerd College in Florida. The reason you are receiving this letter is because of an assignment I have in my writing class. I did a research paper on global warming. The title of the paper was, “Global Warming: A Fabricated Truth”. I have spent countless hours researching the topic, and forming my own opinion. I feel as though the public is being lied to, and it needs to stop. I am behind the global warming petition that OISM has brought forward.

It is disheartening to see the endless media specials on the damage the public is doing to our environment. The public is being told everyday that we are destroying the environment with the carbon emissions that are created. Research shows that man-made emissions account for only 1-2% of carbon emission. The other 98% are created by natural causes. The public will never see this because of the liberal propaganda that is force-fed through the media. I agree that the Kyoto Protocol is costly and unneeded. The truth needs to be heard, and I think OISM is taking the necessary footsteps in the right direction.

As a part of the assignment we need to have a response from the individual we are sending the letter to. I did not ask any specific questions in this letter, but I am simply asking for some personal insight. If you could give me some information, or opinions that can not be found on the OISM site it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.


Griffin Benson

SEPP Letter

Dr. S. Fred Singer,

My name is Griffin Benson, and I am a junior at Eckerd College in Florida. The reason you are receiving this letter is because of an assignment I have in my writing class. I did a research paper on global warming. The title of the paper was, “Global Warming: A Fabricated Truth”. I have spent countless hours researching the topic, and forming my own opinion. I feel as though the public is being lied to, and it needs to stop. I enjoyed navigating the SEPP’s site and reading “the other sides” opinion.

I do not feel as though people need to be persuaded to think as we do, but to at least hear the other side of the debate. It is disheartening to see the endless media specials on the damage the public is doing to our environment. The public is being told everyday that we are destroying the environment with the carbon emissions that are created. Research shows that man-made emissions account for only 1-2% of carbon emission. The other 98% are created by natural causes. The most shocking article I have read in the last several months was that of John Christy, My Nobel Moment. Christy is on the IPCC, and claims that many his colleagues disagree with the idea of global warming being a man-made issue. It makes me wonder if the Nobel Prize was a group effort, or an effort by less than half of the 1000 members on the IPCC. I understand that this information is probably old news to you, but it is this information that people need to hear. I also cited several of your studies in my research paper.

As an expert in global climate change I understand that you have done, and are doing all you can do. As a part of the assignment we need to have a response from the individual we are sending the letter to. I did not ask any specific questions in this letter, but I am simply asking for some personal insight. If you could give me some information, or opinions that can not be found on the SEPP site it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.


Griffin Benson

Al Gore Letter

Vice President Gore,

My name is Griffin Benson, and I am a junior at Eckerd College. The reason you are receiving this letter is because of an assignment I have in my writing class. I did a research paper on global warming. The title of the paper was, “Global Warming: A Fabricated Truth”. I have spent countless hours researching the topic, and forming my own opinion. I strongly disagree with, An Inconvenient Truth, but found the documentary well done and intriguing. My issues with the documentary are the supposed facts that are brought forward about global warming as a man-made issue.

The documentary and the following you have created are upsetting. The facts that are brought from both sides are both circumstantial, and I think we can both agree with that. The problem is the blaming that is going on. The World public is being looked at as criminals in this supposed phenomenon. The people are being told everyday that we are destroying the environment with the carbon emissions that are created. Research shows that man-made emissions account for only 1-2% of carbon emission. The other 98% are created by natural causes. The most shocking article I have read in the last several months was that of John Christy, My Nobel Moment. Christy was a part of your somewhat controversial Nobel Prize. Christy is on the IPCC, and claims that many his colleagues disagree with the idea of global warming being a man-made issue. It makes me wonder if this Nobel Prize was a group effort, or an effort by less than half of the 1000 members on the IPCC.

This letter was not meant to be an attack on your views, but simply to ask for a response. I have found that trying to persuade those to change their views is a dead-end road. All that is being asked from you is to give some answers. I would like to receive, if possible, a response to my letter as it is a part of the assignment. I understand you are one of the busiest men alive, but if you do have a chance to write a response it would be greatly appreciated. Vice President Gore, your time has been greatly appreciated, and I look forward to the chance of receiving a response to my letter.


Griffin Benson